I completed the 200 hour program in order to take the International Institute of Reflexology Exam. The workshops Phase I, Phase II, and Phase II each 16 hours. 52 hours of home study of books, study guide and videos. And a 100 hours of documented sessions. The certification exam on the Ingham Method (trademarked) of Reflexology consists of written exam on theory and practical exam on the instructor.
The 200 hours grew into many, many more. I am grateful for every moment I studied and every Reflexology session I gave or received. The test was in no way open book. You have to know 12 pages worth of so very much Reflexology to pass.
It was very nice to be able to celebrate with a childhood friend and his family after passing the written test. It was excellent to have Deanna and Myrdin to make sure I ate good food and kept the pieces of my brain from shattering. Being able to stop by my folks house and visit with them and my brother was a very relaxing bonus.
My reward is a card that states: Roxanne Joslin has completed a written and practical examination on the Ingham Method (trademarked) of Reflexology and is a Duly Certified and Qualified Member.
Thank you to all of you who knew I had it in me. Thank you very much for the prayers and good thoughts while I was stressing and testing! Thank you for all the feet and hands that allowed me to work on them. Thank you to my mom and dad, you gave me the quarter that allowed me to buy my first Reflexology book when I was 6 or 8.
What's next?
Studying and working on people, and at some point reorganizing my coffee table and bookshelves (the study groupings need to be a bit more tidy.) Continuing to study Reflexology, side benefit of testing is learning what I need to solidify in my brain. Attending and studying herbs via Susun Weed Wild Wise Woman Weekend at 80 Acres (information on prairiewise.com.) 2 more Herbalist Apprenticeship classes and a Herbalist exam of the graduating variety. Also a SomatoEmotional Release 2 continuing ed class. All the while reveling in the fact that I passed and am now Certified with the International Institute of Reflexology.
I passed! I passed!! I passed!!! Have a blessed day.